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Solari exhibited at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum DHMD

Solari, our award winning portable solar cooker will be exhibited alongside many sun-related objects that have had a significant impact on humanity in the exhibition: "Shine on me. The Sun and Us" in Dresden

It was selected to represent ways to use the sun's energy. The selection team said: "Amongst all examples of modern solar cooking we found the Solari cooker one of the most striking objects."

Scheduled to run from 29 September 2018 to 7 July 2019 and curated by Dr Catherine Nichols, the comprehensive enquiry takes the form of an exploratory quest, of a voyage of discovery in seven »orbits«. Spanning time and territory, these examine the age-old, ever existential relationship between human beings and the sun.

The museum seeks to present a broad, evocatively sensuous and decidedly human encounter with the sun that for the first time combines art, cultural history, physics, astronomy, medicine and engineering, while at the same time reflecting upon people’s everyday experiences and needs.

Viewers are invited to investigate the sun as we perceive, use and construct it: as a deity, as a means of orientation and a symbol, as a manifestation of the sublime, a doctor, an energy source and a star.

Those seven topics will unfold over 800 square metres of gallery space.

Curated by Catherine Nichols, artist contributing to the exhibition include:

Josef Albers, Martin Andersen, Silvia und Gerry Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Eugène Atget, Ingeborg Bachmann, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, Georges Bataille, Hans Sebald Beham, Oliver van den Berg, Joseph Beuys, Alice Boughton, Margaret Bourke-White, George Brecht, Barbara Breitenfellner, Burton Nitta (Michael Burton and Michiko Nitta), Tommaso Campanella, Thue Christiansen, Antonio Corradini, Harry Crosby, Hari Sadhan Dasgupta, Johann Melchior Dinglinger, Tommy Dorsey and His Sentimentalists, Albrecht Dürer, Charles und Ray Eames, Mona Eldaief, Ben Enwonwu, Richard Buckminster Fuller, André Gelpke, Hendrick Goltzius, Robert Gommlich, Aneta Grzeszykowska, Werner Herzog, Ho Rui An, Billie Holiday, Bodin Hon, Stephan Hüsch, Athanasius Kircher, Philipp Khabo Koepsell, Knut Kruppa, Alicja Kwade, Mike Leigh, Zoe Leonard, Ted Lewis, Leo Lionni, El Lissitzky, Herbert List, Jayne Loader, Colin Low, Auguste Lumière, Louis Lumière, Lydia Mall, Vitaly Mansky, Siobhán McDonald, Georges Méliès, Erich Mendelsohn, Elena Mitrofanova und Ivan Mitrofanov, Masaaki Miyazawa, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Ikko Narahara, Trevor Nickolls, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jahane Noujaim, Pete Standing Alone, Otto Piene, Walid Raad, Kevin Rafferty, Pierce Rafferty, Man Ray, Miguel Rothschild, Susan Schuppli, Fazal Sheikh, Katharina Sieverding, Frank Sinatra, Sun Ra, Alphonse Swinehart, Marina Toeters, Panos Tsagaris, Wang Fu, Wladimir Wassiljew, Eyal Weizman, Dhukal Wirrpanda and others

The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum is a public forum for current issues arising from the revolutions in science, culture and politics that are reshaping our society in the early 21st century. In addition to the exhibition programme, the Museum organizes numerous events with renowned guests, including lectures, discussions, readings and conferences. In its highly acclaimed special exhibitions, the Museum addresses issues in culture and society, science and the arts. Deutsches Hygiene-Museum is a unique museum concept that was founded in 1912. It is something of a theme-based museum, an exhibition venue for showcasing issues relating to culture and society, science and art.

Find out more about the exhibition 'Shine on Me'


Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Lingnerplatz 1 01069 Dresden


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